25 tips to keep your kids safe in the car

It’s a fact of life: As parents, we are always driving our children somewhere. It may be to school or daycare, it might be on errands or trips to friends’ houses. But when you do that, there is an increased risk for accidents and injuries. Here are some things you can do to help protect your child from harm while they are riding along with you.

1. Keep your eyes open!

If you have been paying attention at all during this past year, you know how much traffic has been increasing. This means more cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, etc., passing by. The problem is that drivers often don’t look out their windows, so they don’t see what is coming up behind them. That means that even if you are following the rules of the road, other vehicles could still hit you. So, make sure you are looking out your window every time you drive.

2. Make sure your seat belt is buckled!

If you are not wearing your seatbelt, then you are putting yourself and everyone else around you at risk. Seatbelts save lives. They reduce injury rates among passengers in crashes by as much as 75 percent. And according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly 40 percent of fatal motor vehicle occupant deaths involve unbelted occupants.

3. Don’t speed!

There are many reasons why speeding is dangerous. First, it puts you and others in danger. You run the risk of being involved in an accident, which will cause damage to your vehicle and possibly injure or kill you and/or someone else. Second, speeding also increases the risk of getting caught by police. If you get pulled over for speeding, you will likely face a fine and points on your license. These fines add up quickly and can lead to higher insurance premiums.

4. Be aware of distractions.

Distractions are another common reason people get into accidents. When you are distracted, you aren’t focused on the road ahead of you. Instead, you are thinking about something else – like texting or talking on the phone. This makes it harder for you to pay attention to where you are going. In addition, distractions can affect your ability to respond to hazards. For example, if you are distracted, you may miss a stop sign because you didn’t realize it was there. Or, if you are distracted and you are approaching a curve in the road, you may not notice the warning signs posted there.

keep your kids safe in the car

5. Use turn signals.

Turning signals are one of the most important safety tools available to drivers. Turn signals allow you to communicate with other drivers about where you want to go. By signaling before turning left or right, you give other drivers enough time to prepare for your move. This helps prevent collisions and keeps everyone safer.

6. Know your surroundings.

When you are driving, it is easy to focus only on the road in front of you. However, it is also important to keep an eye on the area around you. Look both ways before crossing streets and watch for pedestrians who are walking towards you. Pay attention to your blind spots. Also, be careful when pulling out of parking spaces. It is easy to forget that you need to back out slowly and carefully.

7. Drive defensively.

When you are driving, you should always expect that other drivers might do things that could put themselves and others at risk. Drivers who are aggressive, careless, or distracted pose a threat to everyone around them. Therefore, it is essential that you stay alert and ready to react.

8. Slow down.

If you have been following these tips, you know how important it is to slow down. Slowing down reduces your chances of being involved in a collision. It also helps ensure that you don’t exceed the speed limit.

9. Watch out for cyclists.

Cyclists are often vulnerable to motorists. Cyclists must share roads with cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles. Because they lack the protection provided by vehicles, cyclists are more susceptible to injuries from traffic accidents. To protect yourself and others, make sure that you follow all of the rules of the road. And remember: when you see a cyclist, yield the right-of-way.

10. Don’t drink and drive.

Drinking alcohol while driving is illegal and unsafe. Alcohol affects your judgment and reaction times. As a result, drinking and driving can increase your risk of having an accident. If you choose to drink and drive, plan ahead so that you won’t end up behind the wheel after consuming too much alcohol. Before getting behind the wheel, designate a driver or call a cab.

11. Be aware of weather conditions.

Rainy days are dangerous because rain increases the likelihood of poor visibility. The same goes for snowstorms. Make sure that you check the forecast before heading out on your journey. You can find information about weather conditions online.

12. Keep your car well maintained.

Maintaining your vehicle properly will help reduce the risks associated with driving. Regularly inspect your brakes, tires, lights, wipers, windshield wiper fluid, hoses, belts, and fluids. Check your tire pressure regularly. Change your oil and filter as recommended. Replace worn brake pads and rotors.

13. Avoid distractions.

Distractions are common during driving. They include talking on the phone, eating, reading, texting, and using navigation systems. These activities take your eyes off the road and cause you to miss potential hazards. In addition, distracted driving makes it harder to respond quickly if something happens.

14. Know where you are going.

Knowing where you are going is critical to safe driving. This includes knowing where you want to go and what route you will take. Map out your route before you start driving. Use Google Maps or another mapping service to get directions.

15. Stay calm.

You may feel nervous when you are driving. But staying calm will help you avoid making mistakes. Try not to worry about minor problems. Instead, focus on the task at hand.

16. Drive defensively.

When you are driving, be prepared for unexpected events. For example, watch for pedestrians crossing the street. Look both ways before turning onto a side street. Slow down when approaching intersections.

17. Follow the rules of the road safely.

Following the rules of the road will keep you safe on the road. Always obey posted signs and signals. Never pass a school bus unless there is no other way around it. When passing a stopped school bus, give children plenty of time to cross the street.

18. Watch out for bicyclists.

Bicyclists are often vulnerable to drivers who don’t pay attention. Bicycles aren’t always visible. So, when you spot one, slow down and give them extra space. Also, look twice before opening your door.

19. Pay attention to your surroundings.

Be alert to your surroundings. While driving, notice things like traffic lights, stop signs, railroad crossings, construction zones, and parked cars. Don’t assume that someone else will see these dangers.

20. Wear seatbelts.

Wearing seatbelts helps protect you from injury in case of an accident. Seatbelt laws vary by state. Find out which ones apply to you.

21. Have a cell phone charger available.

If you lose power in your car, you could have trouble calling for help. A cell phone charger provides backup power so you can call for help even if your battery dies.

22. Be careful while parking.

Parking lots are busy places. Before getting into your car, make sure that you know how to park correctly. If possible, park near the entrance of the lot. Park facing the right direction (away from oncoming traffic).

23. Keep your windows up.

Keeping your windows up keeps cold air out and hot air in. It also lets fresh air inside your car.

24. Get regular tune-ups.

Regular maintenance checks will ensure that all parts work well together. Your mechanic will check everything including your engine, transmission, suspension, steering system, brakes, and tires.

25. Avoid distractions.

Distracted driving isn’t just dangerous; it’s illegal too. Don’t use your phone, text message, read books, play games, or eat while you drive.



Keeping your children safe in the car is important, and there are a few things you can do to help.


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